Our Service Modules
We deliver in-person and virtual interpretation to attend your needs throughout the entire Bay Area.
- Consecutive interpretation to facilitate the communication between you and your target language clients. This interpretation mode is generally appreciated by the speakers, the listeners, and the interpreter in order to capture a full understanding of conversation between all involved parties.
- Simultaneous interpretation to convey information with accuracy and completeness in a timely manner for large group events, group functions, teaching conferences, business meetings, etc.
LCC, Inc. is accustomed to delivering different levels of interpretation upon your request.

Our Team of Interpreters
- Comply with HIPAA regulations. Patients' privacy and safety is the utmost priority goal!
- Present an attentive attitude with active listening skills to embrace your language necessities.
- Respect the code of ethics and follow the guidelines of Health Care Interpreters protocol according to CHIA standards.
40012_Cover (wildapricot.org) (Please click on the link for further details)
- National/State Certified interpreters, carefully screened by LCC, Inc. for employment
- Our agency interpreters graduate from the Healthcare Interpreting Program of City College of San Francisco with an extensive clinical training over 200 hours and an inclusive internship at local major health care settings in the Bay Area.
- Our agency interpreters graduate from the Healthcare Interpreting Program of City College of San Francisco with an extensive clinical training over 200 hours and an inclusive internship at local major health care settings in the Bay Area.
- Freelance interpreters/independent contractors are required to have a minimum of 600 working hours of on-site interpretation in order to meet the baseline requirement of employment.
We strive for excellence! We ensure every interpreter of LCC, Inc. would fulfill educational training annually and each interpreter is required to excel in advanced training programs periodically.
Please contact us via email at languagecircleca@gmail.com for a free quote of service.
Attire and Identification
- Appropriately dressed at all appointments, comply with dress code/policies of hospitals/clinics/schools, no perfumes or scented materials worn by interpreters in respect to clients
- Agency identification badge (with a photo of the assigned interpreter, name, and language of service) worn to every appointment
We appreciate your feedback of our services. If any of our interpreters violates any etiquette listed above, please report to us directly: service.language0ca@gmail.com.
Contact us for service today!
Thank you for supporting Language Circle of California Inc.
Hands-on Interpretation Services
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